
The Pet Performance

This performance by the Swedish company Marionetteatern is filled with fur and feathers, where the animals and their humans unleash in captivating songs and unexpected confessions – an imaginative and humorous family show.

The performance is part of the Pop Up Puppets International Festival hosted by Marionetteatern, at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in Stockholm August 22-25 2024.

To have your own pet who is your very best friend, or waiting forever for a pet you never get. To say goodbye to a beloved pet or taking care of one that is just making trouble. Big and small, soft and hard, sweet, funny, angry and mischievous, wanted or unwanted, alive or dead. 

Pets are a source of joy, sadness, longing, shame, love and fear. All emotions explored in this newly written puppet performance. Based on real interviews the show uses a whole array of puppets and techniques to bring the stories to life. 

For audience from 4 years.

Dates & tickets

Tickets Saturday 24 August at 13:00
Tickets Sunday 25 August at 11:00

Cast & Crew

Script and director: Helena Nilsson
Scenography and costume: Sigyn Stenqvist
Lighting: Moa Deurell
Sound: Johan Bengtsson
Puppets: Sara Bohman
Composer: Mikael Svanevik
Interviews: Malin Holgersson
Cast: Magnus Erenius and Ida Steén
Musician: Mikael Svanevik